Wine Appreciation Group Three

About the Group:
We've been meeting for two years and the clue is in the title. The aim is to get together and to appreciate wine by learning more about it by tasting, discussing and generally enjoying wine, its history, its origins, its quirkiness, its myths and its joys. And perhaps its stuffiness as well. We meet to taste wine, discuss it and exchange interesting facts. Each month a different member hosts a meeting who will decide which wines to taste (for example wines from New Zealand, wines of different grapes, cheap wines versus expensive wines, sparkling wines etc - the choice of subject matter will be yours!
We might occasionally even have cider or beer instead, give a short lecture on the choice and have tastings, questions and perhaps even quizzes about that month's choice. The host will provide the wines (usually 6 bottles of his or her choice) The accent will be on fun, exchanging facts and information about wine, meeting other wine lovers and learning from each other.
When and where?
We meet in each others' homes. We have a maximum of 14 in this group - we currently have 13 - who meet monthly. We usually meet on the last Monday of the month and we share cars whenever possible.
Everyone contributes towards the cost of that month's wine and food / snacks which go with the wine. Currently £5 per person.
Steve Whittaker