Scone Rangers

About the Group:
The aim of this group is to enable members to get together informally once a month, either side of the monthly meeting, simply to chat and eat together without doing anything 'worthy'! This could particularly appeal to those members who only attend the monthly meeting and who haven’t taken the leap into any of the topic groups. Friendships will be consolidated, new ideas for groups will emerge and support for Edenbridge U3A will be strengthened. 'The Scone Rangers' is a pun that should certainly strike a chord with our generation. It reflects the all-important cream tea element! and acknowledges the wide range of interests of the group. 'Chatting' will be optional but certain to happen! If you would like to join in the fun, please let the Group Contact know.
When and where?
The group meets at different local venues once a month - usually on a Tuesday afternoon. We go to tea shops, castles, stately homes etc.
The cost for a cream tea seems to average at about £6.50 - but some people simply have a cup of tea and enjoy the chat - so please don't let that 'diet' you are on stop you joining in! All comers welcome - why not bring a friend?