A Private Sussex Garden - April 2024


The G.O.E. Flora & Fauna Group were extremely privileged this April having travelled to a private garden in Sussex to see a wonderland of rhododendrons and azaleas.

Coffee and home made cakes and sausage rolls were served before we set off on a guided tour by the owners.  The garden has been lovingly planted over the past 30 or so years by Andy and Jenny Fly who have dedicated their lives to getting their garden the show piece it is today.  We were first shown the greenhouse where the rare and unusual Rh. vireya was growing which is a tender species with tubular flowers in bright orange, yellow and white with a fabulous scent.  We then strolled along brick paths to catch the delicious scent of Rh. loderi  in variety with their huge pinky-white flowers looking at their best, and many different coloured evergreen azaleas with masses of copious flowers hiding the foliage.  Magnolias were planted in various shades of pink, white, and yellow together with Daphnes, Cornus, and numerous other shrubs.

We then took our leave of the garden and made our way to a garden centre for lunch where we were able to chat over the amazing garden we had just seen and the dedication the owners have put into a beautiful garden.

Penny & Stephanie

Group leaders