Walk in Penshurst May 2019


In April we had a lovely walk in Penshurst led by Louise partly, along the river, followed by a tasty lunch in The Bottle House. In May the weather was not so kind but nine intrepid walkers went out exploring the Leigh/ Penshurst area led by Carol & Janet.

Our next walk will be on Wednesday 12th June with details of where to meet to be issued to all signed up members in the next week.

It is a lovely way to experience the variety of our beautiful countryside from woods to

meadows along historic footpaths and country lanes seeing the various country dwellings as you walk while enjoying a good chat with fellow walkers.



Post walk we get to sample the food delights of the various pubs and a chance to chat before going our separate ways for the rest of the day. We usually finish lunch by 2pm giving the rest of the day for other activities.

If you would like to join us on our walks they are on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting at 10am and are usually 5-6 miles followed by lunch for those who want to stay on to eat. We take it in turns to lead the walk but new members would not be expected to lead a walk for a year (unless they want to) so don't let that put you off joining. Come along and give it a try.

Please email me (Theresa Booker) to be put on the mailing list to receive details of forthcoming walks or if you have any questions about the walks.