Newsletter from your Chairman October 2019

Can you remember Summer? Since my last newsletter the sun has made rare appearances but, by contrast, the rain has been relentless.
In my garden, the garden spiders, eager to cash in on the abundant fly population, have had their webs constantly affected by the rain and the winds. However, just 900 miles away the western Mediterranean is enjoying an Indian summer with day after day of sunshine and temperatures around the upper twenties Celsius!

So, what’s happening in U3A this month?
29th October – monthly meeting with our guest speaker Brenda Cameron on a topic close to all of our hearts, “The Art of Aging!”. So, have you got your schedule for this aspect of life spot on or are you looking for some strategies? Not promising stocks of anti-aging cream but much will be revealed during Brenda’s illustrated talk.
31st October – a Jazz Workshop is being staged by Sevenoaks U3A. More details are available from the flyer about the workshop.
8th November – the Merry Opera Company are coming to Chiddingstone to perform their version of “Messiah”. Reviews have been very good for this group and their performances in the past. More details are available from the flyer about the Messiah.
Hope to see you all on Tuesday 29th
Best wishes
Mike Collins