Newsletter from your Chairman December 2019

As I write this final newsletter of 2019 it is time to wish you all a very happy Christmas. We will have to wait till after the 12th December to hear if it is going to be a ‘prosperous new year'! Happy voting folks.

As you will see in the photo, Hever Castle is dressed for Christmas!
We have finished the year with a confirmed membership approaching 220 – a number that all of us on the committee are very happy with. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow committee members for all their hard work and support throughout the year Thank you to all the group leaders, who, by sharing their enthusiasm and expertise with you, make our U3A such a happy and friendly organisation committed to ‘Life Long Learning’. Thank you also to our volunteers who get the Crockham Hill hall ready for our meetings, set up the sound and light equipment and provide us with our teas and coffees every month.
So to our final meeting on the 17th December. As this is our Christmas meeting we would love to see you turn up in festive costume and you may win a prize for your efforts. Let’s get into the Christmas spirit on the 17th. For this meeting, entry is by numbered ticket only and thank you to those of you who missed the November meeting and have emailed me to reserve your ticket on the door. If you want to come on the 17th and you HAVEN’T got a ticket please email me ([email protected]) this coming week and I will have a ticket ready for you on the door. On arrival at the December meeting you will be offered a glass of mulled wine (or fruit juice as an alternative).
Pete Allen is our guest speaker and he will be talking about the History of the Pantomime - very appropriate if, like us, you will be taking grandchildren to a local show over the Christmas period.
We will also be celebrating a special birthday and having festive food and drinks after Pete’s talk. Finally, we will be entertained by a U3A ukulele band formed of local members. It is estimated that our special meeting will finish around 4pm. If you can car share it will make parking easier and we will have parking attendants on duty to help with ‘tidy parking’.
Look forward to seeing you on the 17th
Best wishes
Mike Collins