Digital Image Manipulation

About the Group:
Would you like to make changes to your digital photographs?
Come to the 1st Year beginners' Digital Manipulation Course to learn how to straighten horizons, crop, adjust the colour, shadows and highlights, enhance the brightness and contrast, convert to a black and white image, select a specific area to alter and delete things you don't want in your image.
Details of courses are:
Digital Image Manipulation First Year
For beginners who want to learn how to manipulate and make adjustments to digital photographs.
Digital Image Manipulation Second Year
A continuation of the beginners course or for members who already know the basic manipulation skills.
Digital Image Manipulation Plus Third Year - this is not taking place during 2020-21
This is a continuation of the Second Year Course. There will be a variety of input including, more Tools, Panoramas and Restoring Old Photographs plus the opportunity to share the group members’ knowledge and experience.
When and where?
Holmesdale Bowls club pavilion in Riverhead
First Year: 2nd Thursday of the month, 10.00-12.30
Second Year: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 10.00-12.30
Hire of hall and materials as required
Janet Austin
01732 460578