Creative Writing

About the Group:
This is a chance to explore a variety of themes through writing prose and poetry supported by some fun exercises and creative ways of inviting your muse to emerge!
We have met monthly since 2018 and have enjoyed the individuality of each members' writing and learnt so much from each other. We have had some fun using the outdoors as inspiration for our writing and played with a variety of prompts and exercises to encourage our creative juices!
Confidence has grown over the months as we write, laugh and create together. We are a small group which gives plenty of time for sharing. However we would welcome one or two more members to join us. All abilities are welcome.
When and where?
We read our pieces to each other. We then have a coffee break and do some more writing during our two hours on a theme suggested by whoever is running the group that month. We have recently had two new members join us so we are now a group of 7 women and one man.
Topics have been wide and have included ‘Fear’, ‘Spring’ and ‘Abundance’, and ‘Consequences’. All themes evoke a wonderfully creative set of diverse approaches and styles.
You can even join in if you don't have a computer!
No cost
Hilary Brand
Thoughts from Members
Have you ever wanted to try something new but been afraid to give it a go? That's how I felt before joining this group! However, after four sessions I feel comfortable sharing my efforts with other, supportive members.
Do you have to be an expert writer to join? Definitely not! Just those who love to write and would like to progress their skills in this informal, relaxed, comfortable environment in Hartfield. It has been fascinating to see how different ideas and styles emerge from a single word or topic. We are all learning by sharing our stories and voicing our difficulties.
At each meeting we agree on a topic to develop at home, it seems my homework is taking over as the dust and ironing pile up! We are a small group which gives good time for sharing, however we would welcome a few more members and hope you would like to come for a ‘taster’ session in the New Year.
Come on, take a risk! We know it's not always easy to try something new, but we have found it's fun and worth doing!