Appreciating Architecture

About the Group:
The Architecture Group has experienced a Phoenix event! After several years of using it as an excuse for visiting loads of interesting buildings, some with more architectural merit than others, we realised that our knowledge of the subject was not noticeably increasing! The Group has now been restructured to correct this and after deciding that it would help to work through a time line, the Saxon and Norman periods were the topic. Members researched the subject and all aspects were discussed, not only the features of the religious, secular and military buildings but also the social history surrounding their construction.
When and where?
The group intends to hold a mixture of ‘classroom’ sessions supplemented with site visits to see examples of the various styles when appropriate. At future meetings we intend to discuss many aspects of the subject, not only the various styles but individual architects, influences from other parts of the world, both ancient and modern and anything else of relevance that we discover whilst reading up on the subject!
Transport costs and entrance fees
Jan Chart