Family History

victorian family photo

About the Group:
An opportunity to share advice about researching into your family history and discuss the resources used and results. We assist each other and demonstrate how to use family history websites.

This Family History Group has 12 active members with attendance of 6-8 members each month. Most of us now have a basic or more comprehensive family trees.This makes our meetings more about finding some social history in order to put some flesh on to our ancestors.This involves their occupations, where they came from and settled, and what was happening at the time.

Each month a Member gives a talk concerning some event or an account of where their ancestors came from and how they found that information. Was it from a website, library or relatives? We have had other talks on how to find a will and probate, old maps, Census, 1939 Register, and free websites.

When and where?
Monthly in each others' homes. Third Tuesday each month 2pm - 4pm



Fiona Lewis


Family History websites


First World War



Local History

Researching Events and Places