Annual General Meeting 2018

The Annual General Meeting 2018, held on Tuesday 24 July 2018,  was well attended with another full hall, and was followed by a speaker - The Dowager Lady Crabtree. 

The agenda and a brief summary of the decisions made are :

  1. Apologies for absence - see Minutes
  2. Chairman’s report -see Minutes
  3. Approve minutes of the Fourth Annual General Meeting held on 25 July 2017 - approved unanimously
  4. Receive the Treasurer’s report and approve the accounts for the year 2017/18 - approved unanimously
  5. Confirm the appointment of the Financial Adviser - approved unanimously
  6. To approve deleting clause 3 of the constitution and replacing it by the following clause:
    'The charity’s object is specifically restricted to the following:
    The advancement of education and, in particular, the education of older people and those who are retired from full time work, by all means including associated activities conducive to learning and personal developments in Edenbridge and its surrounding locality'
    (Note: This is a new standard Objects Clause that all U3As have been asked to implement. The only variation being the regional reference which will obviously differ.)
    Approved unanimously
  7. To approve deleting the number 3 where it appears in clauses 7(v),7(vii) and 7 (viii)(b) of the constitution and replacing it by the number 6.
    (Note: Currently the maximum period that Executive Committee members may stay in office is a mixture of three and six years. This will standardise it at six years.) Approved unanimously
  8. To approve deleting the number 10 where it appears in clause 7 (ii) of the constitution and replacing it by the number 12. (Note: This will enable the maximum number of Executive Committee members to be increased to 12.) Approved unanimously
  9. To report on nominations for Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and put these to the vote - approved unanimously
  10. To report on nominations for the remaining Executive Committee Members and put these to the vote - approved unanimously
  11. Approve the annual subscription rates for 2018/19 which the Executive Committee has recommended remain unchanged from 2017/18 - approved unanimously
  12. Any other business. The next few monthly meetings were displayed on the screen. Stephen Harding outlined the policy on photographs displayed on the website. Presentations were made to Molly Ward (Speakers Co-ordinator) and Stephen Harding (Website Manager) who will be leaving the committee after five years' service.

Full reports available:

Minutes of the AGM 2018

Independent Examiner's Report 2017-18 to the Executive Committee as Trustees of U3A Edenbridge 

Accounts summary 2017-18